Mean Girls The Musical is a faithful adaptation of Tina Fey’s beloved 2004 film. The story of a young girl navigating the treacherous world of high school, Mean Girls is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of friendship, self-acceptance, and the importance of staying true to oneself. With its stellar cast, incredible choreography, and infectious music, this is a show you won't want to miss.
When Cady Heron moves from the wilds of Africa to a suburban high school in Illinois, she quickly discovers that the jungle isn't the only place where survival of the fittest applies. Caught between the popular girls, known as "the Plastics", and the social outcasts, Cady must navigate the cruel and unusual world of high school hierarchy. In Mean Girls The Musical, expect laughter, tears, and a lot of pink!
Show run time: 2 hours & 45 minutes, including a 15 min intermission