Conventions & Meetings

Make History

On behalf of the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas, the Texas Municipal League and the University of North Texas, thank you for all the hard work and hospitality given to our participants during the Fall Conference. We look forward to being able to come to Abilene in the future.
Lelani Van Gundy, Texas Municipal League

Convention And Meeting Planning

Meeting & Event Facilities

Registration Packets

Room Block Worksheet
My group all stated that they felt so welcomed every place we visited. They took the time to give us a history of each place. We will recommend Abilene to others for a day trip or extended stay. Thanks again for all the help you and your team extended to us. You rate #1 in friendly towns in Texas.
Sharon Skaggs, Cook Family Reunion

Convention And Meeting Services

I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for giving of your time and the use of the facility for our meeting. The members of the Texas Association of African American Chambers were very pleased with the meeting room.
Leon J. Petty

Convention Sales

Convention Incentives

Expo Center of Taylor County

Abilene Convention Center

Thank you to everyone at the CVB for helping to make the June TAMIO conference such a success. Your warm welcome and assistance is greatly appreciated. I’ll be sure to recommend Abilene to all!!
Sharon Logan, Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers

Additional Planning Information