Meeting & Event Facilities
Displayed below are all of the meeting and event facilities…
This information will get you started with a successful registration process to get your group set up and ready for its conference and/or convention.
The ACVB can assist you in designing a registration form to fit your convention needs or you can take a look at a Sample Registration Form (PDF).
Look for adequate lighting, electrical outlets and space. Set registration near a lounge or public area with easy accessibility.
If convening “under one roof”, set registration times to coincide with hotel check-in. However, don’t assume everyone will register in good time!
Adequate signage must be displayed in order to direct delegates to their specific meetings. Contact the ACVB about signage assistance.
Some conventions require that delegates be accessible at all times. If a message center is required, make it easily accessible to hotel/meeting center staff and convention delegates. In addition, make announcements during general sessions so delegates know to check the board.
Make sure you have a clear cancellation policy from the beginning.
The convention bureau can assist you with designing event tickets, programs, registration forms, information packets and name tags. Ribbons that attach to a name tag are available for special guests, host committee, speakers, judges and others. Speak to a convention services professional for more information.
The Bureau will furnish a packet for each meeting delegate. Delegate packets contain:
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